Natacha Girouard - Educator, artist, and field guide

Independent Study
During the spring and summer of 2020 I explored the photographic process of cyanotype. This process is low tech and low toxicity, it uses two chemicals, ferric ammonium and potassium ferricyanide, that once mixed become photosensitive. Exposed they turn a deep blue. Cyanotype was invented by the English scientist John Herschel in 1842. Contemporary artists, photographers and hobbyist have adopted the medium with surprising results.
What interested me was cyanotype's directness, portability, and potential for experimentation. My goal was to interact with various spaces within the city through cyanotype. I looked for spaces where nature and city structures interact. I wanted the cyanotypes prints to be snapshots of these places and a way of connecting to Montreal. I used natural materials and found objects on site, and did some controlled experiments on my balcony. My plan to host workshops changed due to the pandemic. Initially I was hoping to teach cyanotype while on a canoe trip with participants. Instead I held a workshop in Montreal for a few friends while respecting health measures.
I separated the work produced during this study in three sections: exploration, concrete graffiti and portable workshop.
This project took place in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal on Kanyen’kehà:ka territory.